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Bariatric Surgery Cost in India

Bariatric surgery cost in India is a fraction of what it costs to get the surgery done in the US, UK, or any other Western country. For example, Sleeve Gastrectomy cost in India starts from $5000 with IndiCure, whereas the cost of the same surgery is around $25,000 in the US, £18,000 in the UK, and $25,000 in Australia.

Bariatric surgery cost in India varies with the type of bariatric surgery procedure chosen, your medical history and condition, surgeon, hospital, and the city where you choose to get the surgery done.

Here's a Quick look at Bariatric surgery cost in India compared to Western countries:

ProcedureUSA ($)Australia ($)UK (£)India ($)
Gastric Banding25,00030,00012,0006,000
Gastric Bypass30,00035,00020,0006,000
Gastric Sleeve25,00025,00018,0005,000
Mini Gastric Bypass30,00030,00020,0005,000
Gastric Ballooning15,00020,0008,0004,000
The cost quoted above is indicative and should not be taken as the final cost of the surgery. The final cost can be ascertained after the surgeon has evaluated the patient. The final cost shall be applicable in Indian Rupees.

Factors that affect Bariatric Surgery Cost in India

We at IndiCure, understand that you travel with a budget in mind and do not like to be greeted by surprises after arrival in India. We thus club all these expenses and give you the package cost that is inclusive and affordable at the same time.

Your case manager shall give you an estimated cost of your surgery after discussing your medical reports with the surgeon. The final cost, however, shall be confirmed after your consultation with the surgeon.

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Never seen a Better Hospital Even in Australia
4 Only Difference between undergoing Bariatric Surgery in India and Australia is the COST
Of Thailand Mexico Czech republic and others I chose India _ IndiCure
I am so grateful to IndiCure

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The Distinction of Being the Most Trusted Medical Tourism Company in India.

Best Bariatric Surgeons in India

Dr. Ramen Goel
Dr. Raman Goel


27+ Years of Experience

Dr. Ramen Goel, a highly qualified gastro-intestinal surgeon with more than 25 years of experience, is one of India's bariatric surgery pioneers. He has committed the past 20 years to performing a wide range of procedures using modern laparoscopic techniques. He is a member of the Surgical Review Corporation's International Review Committee, which awards Centers of Excellence in Bariatric Surgery.

Dr. Sanjay Borude
Dr. Sanjay Borude


30+ Years of Experience

Dr. Sanjay Borude is a highly renowned bariatric surgeon with more than 26 years of experience in the field. He has the LIMCA BOOK OF RECORDS for BARIATRIC SURGERY ON 11 MONTHS OLD BABY. Performed ASIA's first Google Eye' Bariatric Surgery with Google team. He is a pioneering surgeon in the field of obesity surgery in India.

Dr. H V Shivaram
Dr. H. V. Shivram


27+ Years of Experience

Dr. Shivaram H V is one of the country's most renowned GI and bariatric surgeons, with a long list of groundbreaking studies and publications to his name. A huge number of national and international patients have benefited from his expertise in laparoscopic surgery, pancreatic surgery, gastro-intestinal surgery, and bariatric/metabolic surgery.

Best Bariatric Surgery Hospitals in India

Wockhardt Hospitals
Wockhardt Hospital


Wockhardt Hospitals is the branch of the leading Wockhardt pharmaceutical company in India. The company is more than four decades old and is present in more than 20 countries around the globe. Wockhardt has 9 hospitals in India in Mumbai, Nagpur, Rajkot, Nashik, and Surat. Wockhardt hospitals have entered into a strategic alliance with Partners Medical International, USA, whereby the group has access to Harvard's expertise in clinical and surgical fields.

Fortis La Femme New Delhi
Fortis La Femme Hospital


Fortis La Femme, founded in 2004, is a multi-specialty hospital that provides care for all periods of a woman's life, including birth, motherhood, menopause, and beyond. The hospital was named the winner of the ‘Most Popular Maternity Hospitals' category in Child magazine's Most Popular Awards 2013. More than 11,000 deliveries and 7,500 gynecological operations have been performed.

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Bariatric Surgery in India

Bariatric surgery is a successful intervention and has been considered the most-effective long-term weapon in the treatment of obesity. It successfully offers substantial weight loss and decreases the health risks associated with Obesity. The surgery also greatly improves the quality of life.

Bariatric surgery is widely recommended for obese patients at high risk of morbidity and mortality, who have not been able to manage the weight loss even with an active lifestyle or medical help as well as the ones who are suffering from unresolved co-morbid conditions of obesity.

Endoscopic Bariatric Surgery

There is a whole range of endoscopic bariatric surgery procedures used as weight loss treatments. With a new generation of endoscopic equipment available, endoluminal bariatric weight loss surgery is gaining popularity as well, with up to 25-40% reduction in excess weight loss and around 60% resolution of comorbidities. Few of the available endoscopic bariatric surgery procedures include intragastric balloon, primary gastroplasty, and outlet reduction for failed gastric bypass, pouch creation, and endobarrier bypass sleeve.

How does Bariatric Surgery work?

Surgery for weight loss is often the way to weight loss when the other methods have failed and the person is left with no other option. There are various techniques of weight loss surgery, though all of them work in three basic ways:

Restriction: Restriction surgery decreases the stomach size thus reducing the food intake due to an earlier feeling of satiety. For example Adjustable Gastric Band/Lap Band and Gastric Sleeve.

Malabsorption: Mal-absorptive procedures reposition and/or remove portions of the alimentary canal thus containing the number of calories that can be absorbed in the body. Sole mal-absorptive procedures are no longer done commonly.

Combination: As the name suggests it is a combination of both restrictive and mal-absorptive procedures. Example: Gastric bypass, Mini-Gastric Bypass, or Duodenal Switch.

What are the Advantages of Bariatric Surgery?

Weight Loss: Weight loss is immediate with greater retention.

Comorbid conditions are controlled: Many life-threatening diseases like diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, etc are positively controlled by up to 96% with weight loss surgery.

Safety: Weight loss surgeries carry much lesser risk with negligible complications as compared to other surgeries.

Minimally Invasive: All weight-loss surgeries are done laparoscopically hence minimal to no scarring, and recovery is quick.

Increased Life Expectancy: Studies show that morbidity and mortality rates decrease with weight loss surgery and the overall health of the person is greatly improved.

Better Quality of Life: Weight loss surgery improves the quality of life by improving the self-confidence and agility of the patients after surgery.

Surgery Information

Procedure Time2-4 hours depending on the type of procedure chosen
Anesthesia TypeGeneral Anesthesia
Hospitalization1-3 Days
Stitch Removal7-8 Days
Recovery Time7-8 Days

Am I a Good Candidate?

Bariatric surgery works well on individuals who fall in the category of "obese" or "morbidly obese", which means you have a BMI of 40 plus.

People with a BMI of more than 35 are also candidates for the surgery if they have comorbidities associated with obesity like diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, joint pain, etc.

The doctors would assess you before you are taken for the procedure. A few important factors that make you a good candidate for Bariatric surgery include the following:

Age: You should be between 18 and 60 years to undergo the procedure.

Weight: If your weight is 80% or more than your ideal body weight or you have a BMI of 40 plus; or 35 plus with comorbidities, you are a candidate.

Medical conditions: Obesity should not be because of medical conditions and you should not be suffering from or have been treated for serious medical conditions such as cancer, epilepsy, etc.

Lifestyle Changes: You should be committed to making lifelong changes to your lifestyle and eating habits.

Addictions: You should not be addicted to alcohol or other recreational drugs.

What diet do I need to follow after the surgery?

The dietician or nutritionist at the hospital will give you a detailed diet plan for several weeks after the surgery.

To give you an idea this is how your diet plan would be after the bariatric surgery:

You would only be on a liquid diet for the first couple of days while you are at the hospital. This would include broth, water, and juice. This would continue for about a week after which you would start on a soft diet like smoothies and pureed meals.

A high-protein diet and multivitamin supplements are indicated for reducing muscle wasting.

From the 2nd through the 6th week, your liquid meals would get thicker. Having 4 to 5 three-ounce meals a day is normal and would make you feel full. Foods appropriate for this stage include cream soups and yogurt-based smoothies.

Solid foods would be introduced to your diet during the 6th week or so. At that point, your bariatric diet will consist of 3 four-ounce "normal" meals per day.

Start slowly and figure out which foods your system can tolerate well. Raw vegetables and fibrous foods may be too much for you to handle first. So, you would need to cook and chew food thoroughly before swallowing.


Preparation 1-2 weeks before Bariatric Surgery

You would need to follow a liquid diet plan for 7-14 days before the surgery.

The 1-2 week diet to be followed before the surgery would include protein shakes which would make the most part of your meal. You can have beverages but those should be sugar-free, non caffeinated and carbonated. Soup broth and vegetable juices and one or two servings of lean meat or vegetables are allowed.

It is good to start separating liquid and solid diets from now on to make it a habit that NEEDS to be followed after the surgery.

The liquids should be sipped very slowly and not taken with the meals. They should wait for at least half an hour after the meal.

Talk to your surgeon about stopping or tapering the dose of your medicines. These may include steroids, replacement hormones, birth control pills, anticoagulation medicines. You should inform the surgeon/ case manager about the medicines that you are taking for his advice.

Smoking should be stopped at least 1-2 weeks before the surgery. Smoking increases the risk of blood clots and complications.

Preparation after your Arrival in India

You would undergo preoperative investigations like blood tests, physical examination, ultrasound of your gallbladder, endoscopy, and other tests to make sure you are fit to undergo anesthesia and the procedure.

Nutritional counseling would be done to give you a detailed diet plan.

Assessment by a member of the bariatric team, anesthetic team, cardiology, pulmonology, and endocrinology shall be done.

The surgery shall be done laparoscopically under general anesthesia and you would remain empty stomach for 12 hours before the procedure.

Is only low cost attracting medical tourists?

The answer to the above question is definitely a big NO.

Who would like to pay and get a botched surgery or risk his/her life? Medical tourists come to India because they get quality healthcare services at an affordable cost.

While bariatric surgery cost in India definitely makes it one of the most popular destinations in the world, low cost is not the only reason why more and more people are opting for India as their preferred medical tourism destination.

Safe and effective bariatric surgery, modern technology, great services, excellent infrastructure, state of the art hospitals, personalized attention, world-renowned bariatric surgeons, no language barrier, and ease of travel are some of the factors which have attracted people from all across the globe for their bariatric surgery in India.

IndiCure is proud to associate with some of the best bariatric surgeons in India who have many years of experience in carrying out successful weight loss surgery. With IndiCure, you can be assured of personalized care and attention.

Questions to Ask

We at IndiCure completely understand your concerns and it is always our endeavor to provide the best outcome for every patient. Following is the list of questions you must ask before you embark on your journey for Bariatric Surgery in India.

  • Is the bariatric surgeon board certified?
  • How experienced is the Surgeon?
  • Which language does the surgeon speak?
  • Is the treatment done in a well-equipped facility?
  • Is it possible to see before and after photographs
  • What about the risks involved?
  • Does the surgeon use a certified anesthetist?
  • How long will the recovery period be?
  • Can I go for a second opinion?
  • Can I have feedback from real people?

Preparation for the Surgery

Prepare to answer questions about your:

  • Medical history and exams
  • Previous surgeries
  • Current medication review
  • History of smoking, drugs, or alcohol
  • Surgical expectations
Single Incision bariatric surgery cost in India

Patient Testimonials

  • Thank you so much Indicure and Dr. Ruchika, for the support and care received while on our journey of weight loss through bariatric surgery. We feel so blessed to have met a caring team. IndiCure has changed our lives forever. The planning from the beginning to the end was of high quality and all questions asked were explained as well as the procedure.

    My Fondest memories always of India will always hold a special part of my heart.

    Kim Pepi Richard

  • My son had a gastric sleeve in Delhi last September 2017. A year later my son is a different young man. Our reason for traveling from Australia was his age is 14. You saved my son's life and I will be forever grateful for that, the care and service were immaculate. yes, it can be a culture shock, in another country. But it, not any less of what we would have received here.

    Thank you.

    Bec Morgan

  • Dr. Ruchika in India delivered efficient and professional service from the outset, matching up my weight and health concerns with the most amazing surgeon at the Apollo Spectra hospital in New Delhi, who made good all the promises that had been made, and MORE. All arrangements were executed seamlessly. Very glad I found them and will certainly be using them again, should the need arise.

    Ruth McHelm

  • One thing that stood out for me, as long as the hospital and the service in the US were compared to the hospital here, it's better here. And working with IndiCure was that the service was amazing!"

    Lili George

Frequently Asked Questions

The answer is simple- You should choose to undergo bariatric surgery in India because of the many advantages that the country offers. Getting bariatric surgery in India with carefully chosen bariatric surgeons and clinics offers many advantages for bariatric surgery seekers abroad, a few of which are listed below -

Savings - Bariatric surgery cost in India is much lesser, about 60% to 90% cheaper, as compared to the cost of bariatric surgery in the UK, US, Canada, Australia or any other Western country. Bariatric surgery cost in India is as less as a third of what it costs to get the surgery done in any of these countries.

Best Bariatric Surgeons in the world - Bariatric surgeons in India are known for their skills and expertise all over the world. Not only are they trained at the best medical schools in the world, but the experience Indian bariatric surgeons have is also second to none.

Best bariatric surgery hospitals in India - The bariatric surgery hospitals and clinics that IndiCure chooses to associate with have state-of-the-art technology and zero MRSA rate which is even better than what you would find in many European countries.

No language barrier - English is the second official language of India. Surgeons, nurses, and other support staff at the hospital speak English, so communication is never a problem though not being used to a different accent may pose some difficulty at some times.

Incredible India - India is one of the most mystical countries on the earth, and has also come to be known as God's own country. It is a 'must-see destination' by all the well-known travel magazines and portals. People with completely different languages, cultures, religions all cordially living together as one country, is a unique experience to see.

Yes, absolutely. If you get your surgery done by a well-qualified and experienced surgeon, in a good surgical room, at a hospital that offers proper post-operative care; the risk of undergoing bariatric surgery anywhere in the world is just the same. So, whether you are in the US, UK, Australia, or Canada the risks remain the same keeping other factors constant.

The hospitals in India that we associate with are accredited, the surgeons' board-certified, and more experienced than their Western counterparts, and we give utmost attention to the fact that you have traveled from a faraway country and have special requirements.

We advise that you stay in India for a minimum of a week after you are discharged from the hospital to make sure you have healed adequately before you go back. All these factors make surgery in India a very safe proposition. We have in fact seen that with proper patient selection and proper precautions, the success rate of Bariatric surgery in India is much higher than in patients' home countries.

Pain is very subjective and varies from individual to individual. There definitely is some amount of pain and discomfort after any bariatric surgery, be it gastric bypass, gastric sleeve, or Lap-Band surgery.

Since bariatric surgery is mainly performed laparoscopically, the incisions given are quite small thereby leading to faster recovery and much lesser pain as compared to any open procedure, which involves significantly more discomfort and a longer stay in the hospital.

In general, pain is rarely a major concern following bariatric surgery. Pain medication can help you manage it. In a matter of days, most patients are off all pain medications and back to work.

Yes, absolutely!

You can lead a completely normal life after your weight loss surgery, in fact your quality of life will significantly improve post-surgery. What is however important is that you make positive changes in your diet and lifestyle after the surgery, which includes having smaller meals throughout the day, portion control, eating a high protein, low fat diet and having an active lifestyle.

Though every coin has 2 sides, when it comes to evaluating the pros and cons of bariatric surgery, the benefits usually outweigh the risks. Statistics show that the patients undergoing bariatric surgery procedures frequently have better health results and fewer obesity-related side effects, such as a lower risk of heart attack, joint pains, diabetes, hypertension, etc, and a better overall quality of life.

Significantly reduced prices, access to 24*7 nursing and medical care for at least 3-4 days after the surgery, personalized attention, and impeccable services are some of the additional benefits of undergoing bariatric surgery in India.

Non-invasive procedures like IGB will be done on a daycare basis and you would be discharged from the hospital the same day. Other procedures would require you to stay for 2-3 days at the hospital and another week in India before you can fly back.

Most people are able to return to light work after ten days and to heavy labor after six to eight weeks. The time of the return to work will depend upon the physical demands of the job and the rate of the recovery. Driving a car is usually permitted one week after surgery. Sexual activities may be resumed in week to ten days unless otherwise specified.

Exercise is important in recovery. Walking is one of the most effective forms of exercise for this purpose. Begin with very short walks several times a day and gradually increase the distance. Walking also improves muscle tone while you are losing weight. Do not, at first, engage in strenuous exercise. About six weeks after surgery, you should be able to tolerate all but the most strenuous exercises.

Bariatric surgery has the same risks associated as with any other major abdominal operation. Life-threatening complications or death are rare, occurring in less than 1% of patients. Such significant side effects as wound problems, difficulty in swallowing food, infections, and extreme nausea can occur in 5-10% of patients.

Your surgeon and dietician will slowly take you through different stages of diet after the surgery. It is in your best interest to follow the doctor's recommendation properly to let your body heal properly and avoid any post op complications. The diet is advised in a way that it keeps you nourished while you are still losing a lot of weight.

After the procedure, your doctor would advise you to sip fluids slowly and keep the portion very small so that you do not feel overfull at any time. You would be kept on a full liquid diet for a week or two after the surgery. It allows your stomach to heal well and avoid strain. You would be allowed to have only clear liquids for the first 1-2 days immediately after the surgery. This would include apple juice, chicken broth, beef broth, sugar-free gelatin, and artificially-sweetened non-carbonated beverages. Once the doctor and the dietitian are sure you can digest clear liquids well, your dietician would advise a full liquids diet for you. Full liquids include cream broth and soups, protein shakes, milk, yogurt, and sugar-free puddings.

This shall be followed by puréed foods after a couple of weeks. You must respect your body and proceed slowly to see what your body allows. You must keep the portion of your meals small and focus on high-protein foods. You would be advised to slowly add soft foods such as oatmeal and eggs.

Most people are able to start eating normal foods 4 - 8 weeks after the surgery. It will be important to choose healthy foods, eat slowly, chew food thoroughly, and to stop eating when you feel full.

This is how you can begin your journey to a new and improved you or simply put, weight loss surgery in India:

Contact us through mail or call us at the numbers provided above. One of our representatives will get in touch with you.

You would be asked for a few details to assess your candidacy for bariatric surgery. You can also fill in the form.

We shall get back to you with our expert bariatric surgeon's opinion, exact cost, and complete details about your surgery.

You can ask any number of questions and we shall get answers to all your queries through our expert bariatric surgeons in India.

You can then finalize your dates and we help you with visas, bookings, and further steps.

Undergoing bariatric surgery is a life-changing procedure and should be considered carefully. The following steps will help you prepare for surgery and the changes that you will go through.

  • Educate yourself about bariatric surgery.
  • Make lists of the following:
    • A complete diet history of all diet attempts.
    • Medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) that you are on.
    • Foods you like and dislike:
  • Start making important changes in the eating and exercise habits. Doing this can help prepare you for life changes that you will need to make after surgery. These are some of the necessary dietary and behavioral changes that you need to start:
    • Drink at least 64 ounces of water daily.
    • Switch from caffeine to decaffeinated beverages.
    • Keep a detailed written food diary.
    • Eat at least three meals per day and avoid snacking in between. Don't worry about the calories for now, focus on the behavior.
    • Begin a walking program if able.
    • Stop smoking. Smoking slows the healing process and may cause respiratory problems after surgery. If you need help, consult a specialist.
    • Write down the feelings every day to remind oneself of the commitment to begin a new and healthier lifestyle.

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The content on the website (www.indicure.com) is intended to be general information and is provided only as a service. All photographs on our website of before and after results are examples only, and do not constitute an implied or any other kind of certainty for the result of surgery.

Learn about IndiCure Health Tours' comprehensive editorial policy that strives to deliver trustworthy, helpful, relevant, accurate and people-first content on medical tourism in India.

It is not medical advice and should not be taken as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat a health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for professional medical care. You are advised to see a surgeon in person to assess what surgery may or may not accomplish for you.

It is also important to keep your expectations realistic and to understand that all surgical procedures carry risks and should never be taken lightly.