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Deep Brain Stimulation Cost in India

The Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) cost in India starts at approximately USD 18,000, but it can vary based on several factors, including the type of device used, the patient's medical condition and history, any existing comorbidities, the surgeon's expertise, the choice of surgical facility, and the city where the procedure is performed.

It is important to note that this is an estimated figure and should not be taken as the definitive deep brain stimulation cost in India. The precise cost will be determined after a thorough evaluation by the surgeon. Furthermore, the cost in Indian Rupees may vary depending on the prevailing exchange rates.


  • FDA Approved Pacemaker
  • Surgery & Stay at the Hospital
  • Pre-operative Investigations
  • Medicines, Consumables & Food at the hospital
  • Airport transfers & IndiCure assistance


  • Accommodation outside the hospital
  • Air tickets
  • Medical Visa


  • Stay at the Hospital - 1 to 2 days
  • Stay at Hotel - 18 to 19 days
  • Stay in India - 2 to 3 weeks

Factors that Affect Deep Brain Stimulation Cost in India

We Customize the Deep Brain Stimulation in India Quote to Suit Your Preferences

At IndiCure Health Tours, we streamline the majority of expenses for your DBS surgery in India, offering an all-inclusive and budget-friendly package that is customized to your specific needs and financial requirements. Once we receive your medical reports, your dedicated case manager will provide an estimated deep brain stimulation cost in India based on discussions with the surgeon.

The final deep brain stimulation cost in India, however, will be confirmed after your in-person consultation with the surgeon.

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IndiCure enables exclusive savings on your medical travel to India. We partner with the top hospitals to negotiate special rates, ensuring you get the best possible price on your healthcare when you travel with us.

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Questions you must ask

Here is a set of questions you should consider asking before commencing your journey for deep brain stimulation surgery in India.

  • Is it time for a Deep Brain Stimulation?
  • Is the surgeon board certified?
  • How experienced is the Surgeon?
  • Which language does the surgeon speak?
  • Is the treatment done in a well-equipped facility?
  • Can you give me any information on outcomes and complication rates?
  • How much pain can I expect, and how will it be managed in the hospital and after I go home?
  • What about the risks involved?
  • Does the surgeon use a certified anesthetist?
  • How long will the recovery period be?

Be ready to respond about:

Prepare to answer questions about your:

  • Medical history and exams
  • Previous surgeries
  • Current medication review
  • History of smoking, drugs, or alcohol

Let Us Get in Touch...

Deep Brain Stimulation in India

Deep brain stimulation is a surgical procedure that involves implanting a medical device called a brain pacemaker beneath the collarbone in the skin of the chest. The pacemaker, also known as an implanted pulse generator (IPG), transmits electrical impulses to particular regions of the brain to assist treat nervous system problems that are otherwise resistant to treatment, such as chronic pain, Parkinson's disease, stiffness, tremors, dyskinesia, and dystonia.

DBS surgery has the advantage of causing no injury to brain tissue, unlike other operations such as pallidotomy or thalamotomy. The DBS treatment is also reversible.

Quick Facts About DBS
  • During the DBS procedure, surgeons implant one or more small wires (called leads or electrodes) in the brain.
  • A tiny pulse generator implanted in the chest provides gentle electrical stimulation to the leads.
  • Successful DBS surgery necessitates careful patient selection, precise electrode insertion, and pulse generator modification.
  • DBS cannot completely alleviate the symptoms of Parkinson's disease or other illnesses, but it can help patients take fewer medications and have a better quality of life.

Deep brain stimulation is frequently used to treat the symptoms of the following common neurological conditions:

Parkinson's disease: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disease that affects Deep brain stimulation, which was approved by the FDA in 2002 to treat Parkinson's disease, and is now the standard treatment for the disease. Medications only control the symptoms of Parkinson's disease, such as stiffness and tremors, for a short time, but DBS provides total control and hence a better quality of life.

Dystonia: Dystonia is a disorder in which patients suffer from involuntary muscle contractions that cause them to hold their bodies in strange positions. Under the Humanitarian Device Exemption, DBS has been approved by the FDA for this ailment (HDE.) This suggests that DBS surgery can be performed on people who have debilitating dystonia that isn't responding to medicine and is the only neurological problem they have.

Essential Tremor: Deep brain stimulation can be used to effectively treat essential tremors in patients who have not responded well to medicines. According to studies, only around half of people with essential tremor respond to treatments. Patients who receive deep brain stimulation, on the other hand, can see an 80 percent improvement in their hand tremors.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder has been approved by the FDA under the Humanitarian Device Exemption (HDE) (OCD).

The purpose of DBS is :

  • To increase mobility and overall performance
  • To preserve and improve one's quality of life
  • To improve sait, balance, posture, voice, and writing skills
  • To reduce tremors and stiffness
  • To restore dyskinesias, and maintain mental sharpness

How does DBS Work?

Disorganized electrical signals in the parts of the brain that govern movement generate movement-related symptoms in Parkinson's disease and other neurological diseases. DBS blocks the erratic signals that produce tremors and other movement disorders when it is successful.

Neurosurgeons implant one or more cables called "leads" inside the brain after a battery of tests to find the best location. The leads are connected to a very small neurostimulator (electrical generator) placed beneath the person's collarbone, similar to a heart pacemaker, by an insulated wire extension. The neurostimulator sends continuous pulses of electric current through the leads and into the brain.

The doctor programs the neurostimulator to deliver an electrical signal a few weeks after it is implanted. To guarantee that the current is appropriately adjusted and gives good results, this programming process may require more than one visit over a period of weeks or months. The clinician finds an appropriate balance between increasing symptom control and limiting negative effects when changing the device.

The battery in a pulse generator lasts for three to five years before it needs to be replaced. The DBS battery replacement is done as an outpatient operation. The battery is replaced when an incision is performed near the pulse generator's location (usually the chest or abdomen).

After DBS surgery, the neurosurgeon modifies the patients' medications; the drug dosage is likely to be reduced after DBS treatment.

Who is a Candidate for Deep Brain Stimulation?

You may be a candidate for DBS surgery if you have been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease and have had disabling dyskinesia or dystonia, if you have had OCD or tremors for the previous 5 years, and if pharmacological therapy and other interventions have failed to relieve your symptoms.

Who is not a candidate for DBS?

DBS surgery is not appropriate for everyone suffering from Parkinson's disease or other movement problems. If a person is a good candidate for DBS, they should speak with a neurologist who specializes in movement disorders.

These factors make a person a less-than-ideal candidate for DBS surgery:

  • Difficulty with balance, walking, or "freezing" as the main disabling symptoms.
  • A primary symptom of speech difficulty.
  • Continuous confusion and problems with memory and thinking.
  • A psychiatric condition such as depression or anxiety that has not improved or stabilized with other treatment.
  • Another condition that increases the risk for surgery complications.

Some of these issues might be able to be treated. A person who has one or more of these disorders is not automatically disqualified for future DBS surgery, but the doctor may recommend more active therapy to address these concerns before surgery.

How is DBS surgery done?

Step 1

This intricate neurosurgical procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia to ensure the patient remains completely unconscious and comfortable throughout the operation.

Step 2

To start with, the surgeon locates the area to be treated either by using the MRI / CT scan or they use the electrode recording technique for mapping and targeting the brain area to be treated.

Step 3

After locating the area, the electrodes are implanted in the target area whose loose end is placed under the skin of the head and the incisions are sutured back.

Step 4

The second part of the surgery is the placement of the impulse generator in the chest. It is done using general anesthesia and a generator is placed and positioned to connect with the electrode using extension wires.

Step 5

Once activated, the device sends continuous electrical pulses to the target areas in the brain, blocking the impulses that cause tremors ( involuntary movements that can affect the hands, arms, eyes, face, head, vocal cords, trunk, and legs).

What Results Can I Expect After DBS Surgery?

The majority of patients report considerable improvement in their symptoms and a significant reduction in their medication after surgery. Patients are encouraged to continue taking the medicine for a few weeks following DBS and then gradually taper off.

What is the Recovery after DBS Surgery Like?

You may feel tired after surgery, and there may be some inflammation and soreness at the stitch site, which can be treated with medications. You can expect a quick recovery, though some patients may experience disorientation for a few days following surgery.

The average hospital stay following DBS surgery is 24 hours, however, this can vary depending on how quickly the patient recovers and is ready to return home. The doctor will come to see the patient, make sure they are ready to leave, and give them advice for home care.

After you are released from the hospital, it's critical to keep the incisions clean and dry at home. While the surgery site heals, the doctor will give the patient particular instructions on how to bathe. If stitches are present, they will be removed during a subsequent visit. If adhesive strips are used, they should be kept dry and will usually peel off after a few days.

The patient will be given a magnet to use to switch the neurostimulator on and off according to their doctor's instructions.

How and When is the Programming of the Neurostimulator done?

The patient will return to the doctor after the DBS lead(s) and neurostimulator are in place to have the neurostimulator programmed for optimal electrical stimulation. Although some clinicians activate the neurostimulator before the patient is discharged from the hospital following surgery, programming usually begins a few weeks after the DBS procedure.

Programming takes time, and modifying the neurostimulator settings may require multiple appointments. Simultaneously, the doctors will review the patient's prescriptions and dosages to ensure that the drugs function in tandem with the electrical stimulation to control symptoms.

The neurostimulator is powered by a battery that lasts three to five years on average. When the neurostimulator's battery runs out, doctors can replace it in an outpatient surgery. There are also rechargeable neurostimulators, which last longer but must be recharged on a regular basis.

What Precautions Do I Need to Take After DBS Implantation?

  • Always keep a card on you that says you have a DBS neurostimulator. You may also choose to wear a medical identity bracelet with this information on it.
  • Before going through the airport scanners, anyone who uses a neurostimulator should inform airport security screeners. Many airport detectors are safe for pacemakers, but the neurostimulator's small quantity of metal may cause the alarm to go off. Patients who have been chosen for additional screening with hand-held detector devices should politely remind the screeners that the detector wand should not be held over the neurostimulator for more than a few seconds, as these devices contain magnets that could interfere with the neurostimulator's function or programming.
  • Certain MRI procedures may not be available to patients who have leads or neurostimulators. Patients should always consult their doctor before undergoing any sort of MRI, while DBS may be compatible with MRI in some cases. They should stay away from sites with strong magnetic fields, such as power generators and car junkyards with enormous magnets.
  • Heat should not be used in physical therapy for patients who have had DBS surgery.
  • High-voltage or radar machinery, such as radio or television transmitters, electric arc welders, high-tension wires, radar installations, or smelting furnaces, should also be avoided.
  • Patients who are scheduled for surgery should inform their surgeon ahead of time if they are using a neurostimulator. Because equipment such as the electrocautery device that controls bleeding may interfere with the neurostimulator, it is critical to get guidance on extra precautions before and during surgery.
  • Patients should protect the neurostimulator area from injuries when participating in physical, recreational, or sports activities. A blow to the chest near the pacemaker can interfere with its operation, necessitating a visit to the doctor.

What are the long-term results of DBS?

Tremors, stiffness, slowness, and dyskinesias are all symptoms of Parkinson's disease that can be improved by DBS surgery. It can help reduce the amount of medicine a patient needs to control their Parkinson's disease.

Many patients with DBS continue to experience improvements in their symptoms for several years following the treatment, and they are able to eat, use the bathroom, and feed themselves, according to researchers who have followed them. Memory, thinking, and mood alterations may or may not occur in patients receiving DBS for mobility disorders.

Parkinson's disease is now a progressive disorder that cannot be completely reversed. Other symptoms such as poor posture, speech impairment, gait freezing, balance problems, and dementia may still emerge while DBS is being used to treat tremors, stiffness, and slowness.

Best Neurosurgeons in India

Dr Sandeep Vaishya
Dr. Sandeep Vaishya

MBBS, MS, MCh, Fellowship

22+ Years of Experience

Dr. Sandeep Vaishya is one of India's most skilled and well-known neurosurgeons. He has been connected with some of India's leading hospitals for over 22 years and has a flourishing practice. He is a world-renowned surgeon treating brachial plexus injuries and a pioneer in Gamma Knife surgery in South Asia. Dr. Sandeep Vaishya is regarded as one of India's top brain and spine surgeons.

Dr. Mohit Bhatt
Dr. Mohit Bhatt


32+ Years of Experience

Dr. Bhatt's expertise includes Deep Brain Stimulation, Movement Disorders, Wilson's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy, Brain Iron Disorders, Neurogenetic illnesses, dystonia, tics, tremor, and myoclonus. Numerous national and international papers are to his credit, and He lectures on deep brain stimulation at scientific meetings, CMEs, and international conferences.

Dr Deepu Banerjee
Dr. (Prof) Deepu Banerjee


34+ Years of Experience

Dr. (Prof) Deepu Banerji is a renowned neurosurgeon with over 34 years of expertise. He is a member of the Asian Congress of Neurological Surgeons, the Indian Society of Skull Base Surgery, the Indian Society of Neuro-oncology, the International Society for Pituitary Surgeons, and the American Association of Neurological Surgery. He has numerous papers in international and national magazines, as well as numerous chapters in medical books.

Best Neurology Hospitals in India

Fortis Memorial Research Institute
Fortis Memorial Research Institute


Fortis Memorial Research Institute (FMRI), the flagship hospital of Fortis Healthcare, is a multi-specialty, quaternary care hospital and is counted among the best hospitals in India and the world. The hospital is considered as "Mecca of Healthcare" and a referral hospital, not only in the entire Asia Pacific but much beyond.

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital Mumbai
Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital


Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital is one of the most advanced and modern hospitals in India. It is a state-of-the-art tertiary care multi-specialty hospital located in the biggest suburb of Mumbai- Andheri. The hospital was launched by Reliance Group in 2008.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Indian hospitals are known around the world for their high-quality care and world-class infrastructure. The best deep brain surgery hospitals in India feature a dedicated neurosciences department that is regarded as a Center of Excellence.

National and international bodies such as the National Accreditation for Facilities and Healthcare Providers (NABH) and the Joint Commission International have accredited these hospitals (JCI). These certifications guarantee the quality of clinical care and safety.

The most up-to-date surgical and medical techniques are available in neurosurgery hospitals in Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and other major cities. Minimally invasive procedures, robot-assisted surgery, and other techniques are among them. The diagnostic departments at hospitals are also equipped with the most up-to-date technology. The diagnostic departments of these hospitals are also equipped with the most up-to-date imaging techniques, including functional brain MRI, sophisticated CT scans, and more.

In suitably selected patients, deep brain stimulation is regarded as a safe and effective treatment for a variety of neurological diseases, including Parkinson's disease, tremor, dystonia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and epilepsy. When drugs and other procedures fail to maintain a patient's decent quality of life, DBS is advised.

However, not all patients are candidates for this surgery, particularly those who are unable to manage device stimulation or individuals with Parkinson's disease and Essential Tremor who have failed to respond to test stimulation. DBS is not recommended for those with a number of medical problems.

Certain sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI) may damage the device or cause injury to the patient. Some patients may experience a brief increase in perceived stimulation as a result of airport security screening gadgets and theft detectors in malls or shops switching on or off. It is best to notify security people about the gadget and carry a device card with the information.

Other medical devices or procedures, such as cardiac pacemakers, cardioverters or defibrillators, ultrasonic equipment, external defibrillators, electrocautery, or radiation therapy, can be influenced or adversely affected by the DBS device system. During your consultation, be sure to tell the doctor about your equipment. Before prescribing the optimal treatment choice for the clinical condition, the doctor will take this into account.

Excessive heating of the lead electrodes during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can result in serious or perhaps permanent brain injury, including paralysis, coma, or death. It could also harm the device, especially if the neurostimulator is implanted anywhere other than the pectoral and abdominal regions. It is recommended that you never have an MRI without first consulting the medical team who performed the DBS operation. It's critical to tell the radiologists which sort of MRI is safe for your DBS system, as certain devices are MRI compatible, while others aren't.

Apart from the cost of procedure for deep brain stimulation in India, there are additional expenses to consider when planning your trip. This includes budgeting for meals, airfare costs which will vary depending on your location of origin and the time of booking, and ground transportation expenses, such as taxi fares or rental car costs. Lastly, accommodation costs during your recovery period are crucial to consider, whether you opt for a hotel near the medical facility or other lodging options that suit your preferences and budget.

By carefully considering these additional expenses alongside the deep brain stimulation cost in India, you can better plan and budget for your trip to India, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience during your recovery process.

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The content on the website (www.indicure.com) is intended to be general information and is provided only as a service. All photographs on our website of before and after results are examples only, and do not constitute an implied or any other kind of certainty for the result of surgery.

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It is not medical advice and should not be taken as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat a health condition and is in no way meant to be a substitute for professional medical care. You are advised to see a surgeon in person to assess what surgery may or may not accomplish for you.

It is also important to keep your expectations realistic and to understand that all surgical procedures carry risks and should never be taken lightly.